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Do your part to get workers the equipment and healthcare they need and the support they deserve

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Dear Frontline


Those of us who are staying safe at home must stand with the frontline workers who are putting themselves at risk every single day of the pandemic.

While many of us work from home, nurses, doctors, food service and grocery staff, security and sanitation workers, and many other people are still going to work. Frontline workers are putting themselves at tremendous risk to keep all of us safe, healthy, and fed, and many are doing so with little pay and inadequate safety protections.

Dear Frontline is about showing those workers that we see them, and that we’re going to fight like Hell to make sure they get what they need and what they deserve. You can start by sending a frontline worker a digital postcard that expresses your gratitude for all they’re doing. Then, you can take action to demand that politicians and CEOs get workers the healthcare, protective equipment, wages, childcare, and financial support they need in this critical moment.

Frontline workers have your back, now you can have theirs.

Dear Frontline is managed and produced by Big Bowl of Ideas, a firm steeped in dynamic campaign-oriented projects operating at the intersection of popular culture and art for social impact. Questions can be sent to info@dearfrontline.com.

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